I was the programme editor for Dorking FC and covered all the games for the local newspaper and radio. We played in the preliminary round of the FA Cup in 1985/86 and Martin scored after about two minutes. For months he went on about probably scoring the first goal of the entire competition. So I decided to do something about it :-)
I got hold of some FA headed notepaper and put a letter together stating that following research by myself, they could confirm it was the first goal and that they would be inviting Martin to Wembley for the Cup final to see the last goal scored and that BBC would be in contact as part of their "Road to Wembley" series to talk about it and possibly re-enact the goal.
The name at the bottom was Patrick J Caloe which was an anagram of Practical Joke and I even got it posted from outside the FA offices in Lancaster Gate. And then I waited for the response.
I went down to the club on a Thursday night after training and Martin came running up excitedly showing me this letter. I told him it was a wind-up and that I was not going to fall for it. Good double bluff eh? He was telling me that it was definitely legit, even the post mark was from Lancaster Gate.
Somehow I kept a straight face but the fact that all the other players and club officials had fallen for it was a bonus. One of them phoned me that evening to ask if it was a wind-up which I admitted it was. It was a couple of days before Martin realised but not before he had told everyone he knew. I might have gotten dumped in a cold bath in the dressing room the next week in response!
It was done with total friendship in mind and Martin took it so well. The last time we met a couple of years ago, he was still laughing about it and how well it was put together.
RIP Martin, you were a great guy.